Upcoming Webinars

Feb 21, 2025
/ 6:00am - 7:00am

Postal Service Health Benefits Overview

This webinar is for postal service employees and retirees who want to learn about their health plan benefits with BCBS.

Feb 26, 2025
/ 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Portion Distortion

Learn what true portion sizes really are, and the amount of physical activity required to burn off the extra calories.

Feb 27, 2025
/ 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Discounts with Blue365®

Learn about health and wellness discounts available to all Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP members, through Blue365®.

Feb 28, 2025
/ 11:00am - 12:30pm

Government Retirement with Medicare

Learn how Medicare works with your federal health plan.

Past Webinars

Displaying 51 to 71 of 71 Webinars

Burnout & Motivation Series: Part 1 How to Overcome Burnout & Stay Motivated

When we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, we can go on autopilot. We don't challenge ourselves, we lose motivation, and we burnout. In this webinar we'll learn what exactly burnout is, how it happens, and what path we want to be on to awaken our internal motivation.

Heart Smart Cookouts

Need new and tasty ideas for healthy food for your summer parties? Come and sample heart smart food and learn valuable food handling, cooking and grilling safety tips.

Dementia Care - Family and Community Services Program

This session will discuss populations served as well as describe Banner Alzheimer’s unique approach to comprehensive dementia care for the whole family throughout their journeys with memory loss. The webinar will highlight the extensive support programs and dynamic and creative ways Banner Alzheimer’s helps to empower and support our patients and their family members.

Managing Your Emotional Wellness

Life can become an emotional rollercoaster particularly with transforming current events. Join us for a discussion on ways to manage your emotional wellness especially in trying times.

Cooking Demo: Dessert Makeovers

Learn how to make healthier desserts using substitutions for various ingredients! Break out the spoons and make sure you get a bite of each one, because these desserts won't be around for long in your household!

Complementary Medicine 101

More and more methods and techniques that have been used for thousands of years in other countries are being recognized as potentially safe and helpful alternative and/or complimentary treatment options for many common ailments/diseases. This talk will be an overview, touching on some of the most common and widely accepted techniques.

Modern Day Mindfulness

It's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of our days at work and at home. The practice of mindfulness keeps us present in the moment. We all naturally have this ability but often forget to use it. This lecture will walk you through the art of mindfulness, including what it is and exercises to practice it, as well as why mindfulness is so important in everyday life.

Beating Lonelieness - Create a Culture of Connection

Loneliness and isolation are two very different things, but both have a negative effect on our health physically and mentally if not addressed. Let us teach you to reshape your social and self-narrative to bring you to a place of balance.

Men's Health Issues

Do you take better care of your car than your body? What should you know about what's "under the hood"? Get an overview of how to reduce the risk of heart disease and the following cancers: lung, colorectal, prostate & testicular. Learn how prevention and early detection is an important part of routine health maintenance.

Brain Health

The choices you are making today have an impact on your risk of developing dementia later in your life. Using the traditional medicine wheel to illustrate the wholistic approach needed for brain health and keeping aspects of health in balance, participants will learn how to prioritize and take control of their brain health and reduce their risk of developing dementia.

Soulful Stretching

Find your balance through the art of meaningful stretching. This session will guide you through easy stretches you can do at your desk that will help relieve the pressure that sitting and awkward positions have on the body and help you attain a state of composure and tranquility.

Be Stroke Smart

Can you recognize stroke symptoms? Do you know what to do during the critical first five minutes following a stroke? Participants learn stroke facts, steps to reduce stroke risk and the warning signs of a stroke.

Fitness Center Benefits

This webinar will focus on the Blue365® discounts for fitness centers. Learn all the fitness center benefits and how to enroll. Presented by Terry Keigher, Manager Blue 365

Power Core

Join us to build those important core muscle groups. Enjoy a variety of exercises to strengthen your abdomen and back muscles and increase your flexibility.

Stress Management 101

Some stress is inevitable and even healthy. The key to not letting stress rule your life, is making sure that you’ve got a healthy “tool kit” to deal with it when it gets to be too much. This talk will give you basics on the biology of stress in our bodies as well as provide numerous suggestions on ways to move through even the most stressful moments in your life.

Energy Boost

Take an energizing, 30 min fitness break that will combine cardio, core & stretching. No equipment necessary!


MyBlue, our members-only website, gives you access to helpful tools and resources. Join our presentation to learn how to sign up for MyBlue, as it is easy. Once signed up, you’ll get the most out of your coverage as all of your health care information is in one secure place. Additionally, MyBlue, is your gateway to earning wellness incentive dollars and rewards.

Understanding Dementia

Understanding dementia helps answer important questions about how Alzheimer’s disease differs from dementia, as well as outlines the early signs of memory loss. In addition, topics will include what people can do to support someone with memory loss and how you can get involved in your own community to raise awareness and reduce stigma of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Supermarket Savvy - A Guide to Shopping & Eating Healthy

What goes in your cart goes in your body! What is the relationship of food, diet & health? Learn how to shop smart by reading food labels for healthy food choices & making easy shopping substitutions.

Healthy Hearts

This webinar will discuss ways to make heart healthy choices everyday and non-modifiable genetic/family history factors that we are not be able to change but should be aware.

Jumpstart Your Metabolism

How does metabolism work? What can you do to boost it to higher levels and lose weight? Learn tips to increase your metabolism naturally and without the use of supplements.